A Slice of App Pie

A Slice of App Pie

Latest Episodes

The Curse of the Sacred Band Aid​ Pile
February 28, 2019

Why is the quick fix so seductive? What happens when we get too involved in them? This week I talk about the real costs and the culture it creates.

“Am I a Fraud?” The Plague of Impostor Syndrome, and What to Do About It
October 10, 2017

In the middle of trying to get five projects done, I’ve been hearing a lot about Imposter Syndrome. A week or two ago came an article on LinkedIn about Impostor Syndrome in programming. Ever since I’ve seen an article pop up here or there.

Urges in a Bookstore
September 18, 2017

Season Two Of Slice of App pie begins in a bookstore.

Goodbye, for now…and Thanks
January 31, 2017

Goodbye for now, and thank you.  

What I Learned at LinkedIn While Recording, Round Two
January 16, 2017

Some of the things I learned while recording at Lynda.com/LinkedIn Learning last week. Also my plans for 2017 books and web lessons.

Happy holidays, Parse a String to a Double.
December 19, 2016

Hello all. This week, I’m writing on the website about converting strings into doubles. For some cases this is easy, but if the string is a time or a fraction, it’s not so simple. We’ll look at how to parse these strings into Doubles.

#36 – How Your Project is Like the Best Sandwich I Ever Had
December 05, 2016

Hello folks! I’ll start again with the business stuff then work into my commentary for the week. If you didn’t se it yet, I did post last week about the new Update Frames button in Xcode 8.1. I’m trying to finish four Lynda.

#35 What I Learned in the Old Soviet Union
November 28, 2016

Hello All, Just a little bit of business this week and then on to some thoughts for the week. This week’s post is inspired by correspondence I’ve had with Denny, one of the subscribers to this list. It’s the basics of using gestures in your own applica...

#34 Why I Switched Mail Lists
November 21, 2016

Hello Folks, I’m going to start with some follow-up from last week. Last Monday seems almost a century ago, though it was only seven days. I was upset and very depressed last week.  I was also honest, a little more honest than some on this list wanted....

#33:A Banana Bunch of New Releases
November 07, 2016

Hello all, As promised, This will be a longer one. A lot going on here, Some of which you already know. We have a lot of book news, and I can finally tell you about the Lynda.com course. First the tip of the week.