Fan Effect

Fan Effect

Fear Effect: Fan Effect visits the Fear Factory

October 22, 2020

Utah loves Halloween, and the multitude of haunted houses and creepy experiences are evidence of our playful devotion to the holiday. In this episode Fan Effect visits the Fear Factory, the fan-favorite, critically acclaimed, actually HAUNTED haunted house in the heart of Salt Lake City. The massive haunt sprawls across 6 buildings, up 6 stories, and even into underground passages, with a gaggle of ghosties and ghoulies to appease the wants of any horror-lover. Host KellieAnn Halvorsen is taken backstage to see the inner-workings of this spectacular spectacle and learn how they have taken every precaution to provide a COVID safe experience for their guests. Because let's face it, this pandemic should not take away our favorite holiday. In the second part, KellieAnn talks to Fear Factory owner and creator Rob Dunfield about the creation, inspiration, and evolution of this happy haunt.