Fan Effect

Fan Effect

Talking COVID-19 Effects on FanX 2020 With Owner/Co-Founder Dan Farr

April 07, 2020

COVID-19 has forced closures and cancellations aplenty through spring 2020, including big movies, concerts, events and conventions.  Restrictions on gatherings may continue until later in the year, something that could potentially affect FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention in September and its many thousands of attendees.

Fan Effect host Andy Farnsworth reached out to FanX owner & co-founder Dan Farr (from a safe social distance!) to answer the big questions fans may be wondering about the annual event, including:  Is FanX still going to happen, or could it be postponed or cancelled?  Can (and should) people still purchase tickets?  What potential changes are organizers considering?  Are celebs still planning on coming, and will they still allow autographs and photos?  What can organizers do to protect healthy patrons from those who might be sick but still want to attend?

Whether you already have tickets to FanX 2020, or were waiting until the event got closer to decide, this is the interview you need to hear!