Fan Effect

Fan Effect

"LEGO Ninjago", The World of LEGOS, and Why We're Still Driven to Create Nearly 60 Years Later

October 12, 2017

"LEGO Ninjago" gives us THREE movies based on the decades-old toys that we loved to play with and that our parents cursed at us for leaving scattered across the floor. In this episode of the podcast, Tysen Webb, Aaron Zundel and Andy Farnsworth are talking all about LEGOS: the movies, the video games, the ongoing toy empire.  What makes these little plastic blocks so fascinating?  Why do we love to play with them (and spend so much money on them)?  Even though the idea of toys being turned into a movie isn't that original, but the way the LEGO movies treat the toys *as toys in the movie* is certainly more unique.  What are your favorite LEGOS, and what would you like to see in the future? Join us and maybe take a trip down your own memory lane along the way!