Fan Effect

Fan Effect


June 09, 2017

Universal Studios hopes to create a new crossover movie series involving their famous big screen monsters... and it launches with another reboot of THE MUMMY. Andy Farnsworth is joined by award-winning writer Aaron Zundel for SPOILER-FREE talk about this new attempt to make an old monster scary and cool again (Tom Cruise).  Just kidding! Cruise is as buff and Ethan Hunt-y as ever! It's actually Sofia Boutella (from Star Trek Beyond) who plays the title character in this outing--which has only a passing resemblance to the 1999 movie series headlined by Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. So what exactly is this movie? Action-horror? Mild terror? Did the movie's trailers mislead as to who the film was supposed to appeal?  And why does the humor seem so out-of-place at times?  Is this Dark Universe a good idea?  Future outings will have Johnny Depp as the Invisible Man and Javier Bardem as Frankenstein's monster.  Hear our thoughts in the podcast, then add your own in the comments! THE MUMMY (2017) is directed by Alex Kurtzman and also stars Russell Crowe, Anabelle Wallis, Jake Johnson, and Courtney B. Vance.