Fan Effect

Fan Effect


May 23, 2017

"THE FIFTH ELEMENT", director Luc Besson's sci-fi adventure starring Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman and Milla Jovovich, is 20 YEARS OLD! The movie is one of Adam's cult favorites and Andy Farnsworth had never seen it, so when the show got a two-day re-release into theaters this month, they bought themselves some seats at the local cineplex to check it out in the way it was meant to be seen--on the big screen.  They're joined in this episode by Alex Kirry (of KSL's Nightside Project podcast) for whom The Fifth Element is also a cult favorite. Join us on this nostalgic trip!  What still holds up in the film after two decades?  Could this movie succeed if it came out today? Would Gary Oldman have the same hair?  Listen with us, then join the debate at