Fan Effect

Fan Effect

KONG: SKULL ISLAND - A SyFy Channel movie with A-listers

March 10, 2017

Tysen Webb and Andy Farnsworth review the new movie Kong: Skull Island and they are not quite sure what to make of it.  It brings the giant ape and Godzilla into the same movie universe (stay thru the credits--we didn't). Too many times while I was watching it, I thought I was watching a made-for-SyFy-Channel movie that managed to pull an A-list cast (including Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Hiddleston, John Goodman, John C. Reilly and Brie Larson). It helps that the movie doesn't take itself too seriously, and yet other than Jackson & Reilly, nobody else is given much to do. The visuals were great (#Kong looked impressive) and the ONLY reason you should see this in the theater is because the size & scope are made for the big screen. If not for that and the laughs the movie generates (some unintentional), this is one you should wait for the dollar theaters or watch on cable. #KongSkullIsland is not for the little kids. There are very scary visuals, much death and lots to give them nightmares. If you're a teen or adult, it's got moments reminiscent of (better) movies Predator, Pacific Rim, Apocalypse Now, & Jurassic World.