SkyWatcher/Awakened Radio
Bliss Full With Deborah O'Brien: Migraine Magic
Lisa Erickson brings a fresh perspective to this ancient practice of meditation. A meditation teacher with over a dozen years of experience, Lisa has studied under the tutelage of Sadhguru the Yogi Mystic responsible for bringing the Inner Engineering practice to the US. Her profound classes and teaching various methods of meditation as a technology and tool that can be used to achieve and sustain long-lasting happiness.
Lisa Erickson is the creator of Migraine Magick™, a superelectrolyte spray-on migraine pain transformer. And, she is launching Meditation Magick in LA in March. She is based on the bogs—In the fall, you can find her water harvesting or cleaning cranberries with her farmer husband, Jeff Erickson. Otherwise she is chasing her 4 children around making sure they are happy & healthy.
She is greatly influenced by metaphysical understandings, buddhist principles, shamanic practices and spiritually scientific techniques. Lisa holds a university degree from George Washington University and also comes with an extensive background in self-attunement and the healing arts. She is a Heartmath Global Coherence Ambassador and writes for the Huffington Post.