February 24, 2023

ANCHOR POINTE, The Faith and Fitness Podcast
Faith, Diet, Exercise, Attitude, Positive Imagery, Music and Research

Calculating Maximum Heart Rate The Athletic Blog
Measuring Exercise Intensity The Mayo Clinic

Charlotte  (00:06):
This is the XBHS Radio Network.
Skip Orem (00:10):
From the Nashville Studios of the XBHS Radio Network, I'm Skip Orem, and this is the Anchor Pointe Podcast. Hey, everybody. From the XBHS Radio Printers Alley Studios just off Broadway here in Nashville, Tennessee, welcome to a late February episode of the Anchor Pointe Podcast. Anchor Pointe, your faith and fitness podcast for us older folks, baby boomers in our 60s, and 70s and beyond. And we even have youngsters in their 50s listening to this podcast.
And thank you so much everybody for pushing the play button on this episode of the Anchor Pointe. We're all working together to use the seven elements of the Anchor Pointe disease fighting and fitness model to get in shape, stay healthy, fight off diseases, and live long, happy, and healthy lives. Those seven elements, by the way of the Anchor Pointe disease fighting and fitness model, faith, exercise, diet, positive imagery, music, attitude, and research.
And on today's episode, we are still investigating heart rate training. Specifically today, we're going to look at how to measure and track your heart rate during exercise. And that will lead us into a discussion of fitness and health tracking apps and devices. And as usual, we will have some important medical news for seniors. And then later in this episode, how especially at our older age, things, they can change for us in the blink of an eye. All of that today on Anchor Pointe.
Before we get started with today's medical news for seniors, I wanted to remind everyone about the Audio Burst page that's located the website. Audio Bursts are short segments from the Anchor Pointe Podcast episodes sorted by subject and date of release. Most of the Audio Bursts, they're no longer than about five minutes or so. These Audio Bursts are, well, they're a good way to catch up on highlights from past episodes without needing to listen to the entire podcast episode.
Just click on the Audio Burst page link that's on the dropdown menu, and then that link will take you to the Audio Burst page which has all of the Audio Bursts indexed or sorted by the seven elements of the Anchor Pointe disease fighting and fitness model. Then all you have to do is just click to listen and you can listen to any Audio Bursts right there from the website. And like the Anchor Pointe Podcast, the website has absolutely no advertising. And remember everybody, we spell Anchor Pointe with an E. The website address is T-H-E-A-N-C-H-O-R-P-O-I-N-T-E dot com.
All right. Let's head right now to the Anchor Pointe's medical news for seniors. Wearable technology is the top fitness trend in 2023 for tracking important health metrics for seniors. Seniors who are serious about good health are now wearing devices such as fitness trackers, rings, and smart watches. These devices can track your heart rate, counts your steps, counts your calories, measure your sitting and sleep time, your blood pressure, your EKG, and even your respiratory rate.
These new health and fitness tracking devices can be invaluable tools for hitting your health and your fitness goals. And really, whatever your fitness and health goals, these new devices that are out now, they can provide you with personal health and fitness information as you are striving to get and stay healthy. Some of the newer fitness trackers,