Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

64: Best Spray Tan Tips with Joanna Sheen – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
It’s no secret that I love a good spray tan! It makes such a difference in how someone can look… a little secret I learned while I was a fitness competitor. Several people have asked me about spray tans. More specifically, they ask if it will turn them orange, so I thought, why not interview a professional? Joanna Sheen is our guest on today’s episode. She is who we go to here in San Diego and knows just about every aspect of the spray tanning business.
Episode Topics:
☀️ What are the visual benefits of being tan?
☀️ How does a spray tan work?
☀️ Why does a spray tan look better than a real tan?
☀️ Common misconceptions about spray tans. Will you turn orange?
☀️ How to prepare your skin for a spray tan.
☀️ How to extend the life of your tan.
☀️ Mobile tanning!
☀️ How can we find more information about you and your studio?