Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

Internal Motivation Vs. External Motivation – SCS Friday Q&A 11

January 13, 2017

Tis’ the season for AMMAP (as much motivation as possible). I don’t know about you, but sometimes (and by sometimes I mean this year in particular) I feel so distracted by all of the noise. All the people selling motivation. All the people giving a play-by-play on their goals and actions. All the extra memes, quotes, and magazine headlines.
Motivation is great and we ALL need some, but how can we distinguish between external motivation and internal motivation? How can we turn external motivation into internal motivation? This week’s episode talks about the difference between the two and I make some recommendations of books I have found extremely helpful in turning my external motivation needs down while my internal motivation has gained strength:
The Compound Effect
The Magic of Thinking Big