Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

52: Shutting Down our Inner Sh*t-Talker with Amy Smith – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast

January 03, 2017

Amy was such a great podcast guest on Stop Chasing Skinny Episode #40 – Speak Up! How to Handle Food and Lifestyle Critics with Amy Smith we just had to have her on again! This time she is talking all about our inner sh*t-talker. Yes, this episode is marked “explicit” for obvious reasons.
We cover the trap of “compare and despair” and uncover a really big question about motivation… at what point is motivation no longer motivation? What is the best motivation? Kick this year off by attending Amy’s free online workshop only available until January 10th. Sign up here:
Episode Topics:
☀️ What is our Inner Shit-Talker?
☀️ Are our inner shit-talkers always mean to us? Do they show up in any other ways?
☀️ What do you mean by “everything we say to ourselves in our own mind is true”?
☀️ How do you suggest creating a new “truth”?
☀️ Many people suggest “thinking positive” or using affirmations, what are your thoughts on that?
☀️ You use something called “progressive language” to help combat your negative inner talk; can you explain what that is?
Don’t forget to sign up for Amy’s FREE online workshop: