Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

42: Get to Know Founder & Publisher of Charleston’s Oblique Magazine with John DiGiovanni – Stop Chasing Skinny

August 08, 2016

If you’re reading this, there is a really good chance you have also read Oblique Magazine. I spent over two years working with John at Oblique Magazine, and I just couldn’t wait to get him on the show so he could share more about the behind the scenes of publishing and how this magazine sets itself apart.
From the beginning…
Can you tell the listener what made you think about starting Oblique and some of the trials and tribulations you have had over the years in getting it up and running. 
Whoa! That’s a LOCAL magazine?
So many people are surprised when I tell them I work for Oblique and that the magazine is a locally produced magazine… they assume it is a national publication because of the quality of the mag. Can you share with us why being a locally owned and operated magazine makes a really big difference to the advertisers as well as the readers? Oblique just celebrated its 10 year anniversary too by the way. Quite an accomplishment!

Speaking of local… what sets Oblique apart from other publications? 
Oblique features LOCAL people. When you read Oblique Magazine, you are reading articles written by LOCAL experts and business owners.
One example is our local Charleston Warriors obstacle course racing team. Prior to being selected to compete on NBC’s Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge, we had all been featured in Oblique!

Oblique Magazine is also responsible for bringing our team together in the first place. Elea and I were both Oblique cover models.

Why are all the heads cut off?
You have to listen to find out, but I will tell you that the answer even surprised me!
Let’s talk about this super exciting Oblique Health & Fitness Expo coming up October 8, 2016. What can we expect?