Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

41: The Real Deal on How to Get Fit with Joanne Strasser – Stop Chasing Skinny

April 26, 2016

Stop Chasing Skinny Episode #41
The Real Deal on How to Get Fit with Joanne Strasser
If you’ve ever watched a late night infomercial for weight loss and wished you could just wake up skinny, this podcast is for you. If you’ve ever wondered which weight loss secrets work the best, this podcast is for you. If you have ever started a fitness program only to find yourself sidelined by life and wondering how to get back in the game, this podcast is for you.
I interviewed one of our rockstar SKFitLife 12 Week Challenge clients in episode #41 to see what it takes from a client’s perspective. Joanne is a busy <new> mom with an 8 month old. She also works full-time in a challenging and demanding position. Joanne was looking for a way to get back to her pre-pregnancy fitness and that’s exactly what she did during her 12 weeks with us.
Yea, it takes more than 30 days to get back to pre-pregnancy fitness and weight regardless of what some of those slick marketers want you to buy into. Joanne shares her struggles with nutrition, how she juggles it all, and her thought process about how staying the course is the only way to achieve long-term weight loss and health.
Oh and did I mention she is hilarious and super entertaining to listen to:)?
Joanne also speaks Russian and German fluently, was a competitive figure skater, and is an author. Such an interesting woman with tons of real-life tips for success.
Check Out Joanne’s Books Here!