Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

35: From Surviving to Thriving After Burnout with Elea Faucheron – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast

February 23, 2016

Elea and I found each other through kiteboarding and got to know each other through our experience racing together on the new NBC TV Series, Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge. Elea’s introduction to Spartan Race and obstacle course racing in general came after a long episode of burnout.
We aren’t talking about just being tired. We are talking about severely disrupted sleep, extreme and unintentional weight loss, and an uncontrollable shaking and numbness that would send her to the doctor several times before figuring out what was going on. Spartan Ultimate Team Competition NBC
Listen here as Elea tells you about lessons learned from burnout:
☀️ Burnout is finding our self worth in the outside world of work. Being busy = I am valuable.
☀️ In order to burn out you need to have a burning passion, it is not because you don’t care.
☀️ TBD. Too busy disorder is the BIG LIE we fall into order to work more and take less care of ourselves.
☀️ Do LESS to be MORE!
☀️Stopping feels like anarchy; stopping is your most revolutionary act!
For me, making bold MOVEs turns quicksand into a springboard. Participating in activities that challenge me physically, mentally, and emotionally prep my brain to THINK better. Creating solutions verses roadblocks. The result equals: I become less vulnerable to outside forces; I become unstoppable and simply SMILE more!
Contact Elea Here!Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
Website: and read her Oblique Article
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