Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

30: Behind the Scenes of SKFitLife with My Virtual Assistant Extraordinaire – SCS Podcast

December 01, 2015

Behind the Scenes of SKFitLife with Virtual Assistant Heather Richmond
People often ask, “how do you run a virtual business?” My lovely and super helpful virtual assistant took time out of her busy schedule to sit down with us for an in-depth interview on the Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast.

Take a listen to find out:
☀️ How this virtual thing works.
☀️ Who you are really talking to when you contact SKFitLife.
☀️ How Heather and I met.
☀️ How this career choice has given Heather the time and location-freedom she desired so she could be at home for her kids more often.
☀️ What kinds of things virtual assistants can do for you.
☀️ What to look for in a virtual assistant.
Read full show notes here: