Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

22: The Burnout Specialist – How to Get Re-Inspired in Your Career with Ben Fanning – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast

October 06, 2015

Ben Fanning is Chief Burnout Officer and the world’s leading authority on creating the job you love. He helps professionals create the job they love without quitting. Quitting isn’t always an option, or the best option and the grass is not always greener on the other side.
I invited Ben onto the show so he could share some of his insights into how to make the absolute best out of any work situation. Having these tools can lead to more fulfillment, better balance, and ultimately a FitLife.
I spent almost 12 years working in the engineering field, first as a nuclear engineer in the US Navy and then as a software systems engineer in the defense contracting world. While I was challenged, I wasn’t fulfilled during those years. 
My lack of fulfillment lead to struggles with my weight and especially eating habits, but it wasn’t until the end of those 12 years that I made the connection between the two. Listen to how you can improve your work environment today.
Click here for full show notes: