Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

Latest Episodes
65: How to Get Your Partner to Support Your Goals with Craig Lambert – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
I am often asked the question, “how do I get my partner to support me in my fitness goals?” I can’t think of a better person to answer this question than a marriage counselor with over 30 years of experience. … Continue reading →
64: Best Spray Tan Tips with Joanna Sheen – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
It’s no secret that I love a good spray tan! It makes such a difference in how someone can look… a little secret I learned while I was a fitness competitor. Several people have asked me about spray tans. More … Continue reading →
63: Beginner’s Guide to Pilates with Angela Buzan – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
If you are like me, you have heard of pilates and maybe you have taken a class or own those Winsor Pilates DVDs (totally dating myself there!), but beyond that you aren’t sure about what to look for in a … Continue reading →
62: Upper Cervical Chiropractic with Dr. Jessica Hanley – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
Dr. Jessica Hanley’s passion for upper cervical chiropractic work came from her own personal life-changing experience when she was in her very early 20’s. It was then that she decided she wanted to pursue this chiropractic specialty and she hasn’t look...
61: Dinner Rush Cookbook with April Reigart – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
April is a long time friend and holistic nutritionist extraordinaire. She launched her own cookbook where she has brought together all of her nutritious, delicious, and easy recipes. I can’t say enough great things about April’s recipes.
60: Dog Training for Healthy, Happy Dogs with Randy Davis – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
It is no surprise that dogs are one of my favorite topics and anytime I can incorporate them into living a fit life and interview an expert, you know I’m going to do it. Randy Davis and I met through … Continue reading →
59: How to Heal from Divorce with Anthony Diaz – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
Getting a divorce is one of the hardest things someone can face in life, and if you are reading this, I'm guessing you are already familiar with this fact. Did you know there is a healthier way to go through a divorce?
58: How to Save a Dog’s Life with It’s the Pits’ Beth Gruff – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
Many of us have heard how having a dog can improve our health through reducing our stress levels and improving our happiness, but how much do we really know about keeping our dogs mentally healthy? For anyone who knows me … Continue reading →
57: The Real Deal on Having a Fit Pregnancy with Gail Mitch – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
How to have a healthy pregnancy is often asked of me since I am a health coach, fitness trainer, transformation specialist, or whatever other title you want to throw out there. I don’t have any children other than the kind … Continue reading →
What if I skipped my workout? – SCS Friday Q&A 12
I just took 2 weeks completely off from working out and came back STRONGER! This is something you get to earn over time. Listen to find out what I mean. The compound effect of muscle building. I