Skaana with Mark Leiren-Young | Oceans, Eco-Ethics & The Environment

Skaana with Mark Leiren-Young | Oceans, Eco-Ethics & The Environment

Paul Watson – Free and Fighting!

February 20, 2025

“In my lifetime I want to eradicate whaling.” – Paul Watson. Paul Watson is out of jail, back in France and still fighting for whales, dolphins, turtles, manatees and more. Paul Watson talks to Skaana host, Mark Leiren-Young, about his arrest and how it helped raise awareness about sketchy international arrest warrants, Japan’s unjust justice system, illegal whaling, aggressive non-violence and his response to being called a “terrorist.” “I find it absolutely amazing that my case is being discussed at the highest levels of Japan… it really shows you how defensive they are about their illegal whaling operations.”


3:10 Paul Watson on being released from prison in Greenland.

4:00 The politics behind his prison time.

6:48 “I find it absolutely amazing that my case is being discussed at the highest levels of Japan… it really shows you how defensive they are about their illegal whaling operations.”

8:00 “In the description, in the Red Notice, I’m described as an armed and extremely dangerous terrorist.”

8:57 Challenging Interpol.

10:20 His iconic status in France.

11:25 “I’ve been doing this for fifty years. I’ve never been convicted of a felony crime and I’ve never caused an injury to anybody… When anybody says, ‘people say you’re a terrorist, what’s your response.’ I’ve never worked for Monsanto or Exxon.”

12:15 Explaining “aggressive nonviolence.”

13:43 On getting arrested.

14:58 His cell – with a view of whales. And other prisoners asking for autographs.

19:35 Receiving more than 5000 letters.

20:48 “I’ve been given political asylum in France.”

21:11 “If I go to Canada, I’ll be immediately arrested.”

23:43 Why the French are so supportive.

28:38 Iceland vs. whales.

29:21 Paul Watson Foundation vs. Icelandic whalers and more – including protecting dolphins, turtles and manatees.

36:17 Paul Watson on how to support his work and what he’s up to now and next. “In my lifetime I want to eradicate whaling.”

37:45 Why Paul Watson is willing to put his life on the line for whales.

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