Skaana with Mark Leiren-Young | Oceans, Eco-Ethics & The Environment

Skaana with Mark Leiren-Young | Oceans, Eco-Ethics & The Environment

Andrew Lewin on Making Media Matter

November 28, 2024

Andrew Lewin – host of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast – on Jaws vs. sharks, orcas vs. sharks, Asian carp and working with and against Canada’s department of Fisheries and Oceans and how young people can and do change the world. “There’s nothing scarier to a government than young people who care.” – Andrew Lewin


4:35 Andrew Lewin on how Jaws still defines and defames sharks. Growing up on Jaws. “I was petrified to go in a pool… the original movie is still scary.”

9:44 Orca – A killer whale monster movie. “If anyone is gonna have revenge, orcas would do it.”

13:10 Explaining the Department of Fisheries and Oceans – “an interesting contradiction” and the Cohen Report vs. The DFO.

20:18 Were Canadian scientists really unmuzzled by the Canadian government?

20:48 Working for the DFO and sharing the stories of endangered carp.

23:08  “We protect what we love.” Andrew Lewin

25:40  “It takes a lot to get scientists crying.” Andrew Lewin

26:10 How documentaries duck solutions.”Tell them how to fix it… We don’t talk enough about conservation projects. We don’t talk enough about policy… There is nothing scarier than a motivated child who wants to protect the environment.” Andrew Lewin

27:50  “There’s nothing scarier to a government than young people who care.” Andrew Lewin

28:40  On decolonizing conservation.

Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about environments, oceans, and orcas.

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