Six Ways From Sunday

Six Ways From Sunday

Heather Buelow - 5, 6, 7, 8, and Pivot!

November 05, 2021

Heather Buelow has been the owner of Dancer's Edge Studio for 19 years. Like many business owners she is no stranger to change, but nothing compares to the wild ride she's been on these last two years where she's had to pivot, pivot, and pivot again. The pandemic has been especially challenging for kids activities, and there were many moments when it looked like dance classes, competitions and recitals were just not going to be possible. But if there's one thing Heather has learned from the world of dance that applies to running a business, it's that you can always find a way if you're willing to pick yourself up after a fall, believe in yourself, and pivot! Heather and her staff have impacted the lives of hundreds and hundreds of children and youth who have come through the DES studios in Blackfalds and Lacombe, teaching them by example that if you get knocked down you can always choose to get back up, lean on your people for strength and advice, learn from the hard experiences, and dream big enough to bring the impossible into reality. In this conversation we talk about Heather's journey as a studio owner, how she's navigated some pretty massive changes in her life recently, and also what it's been like for Miss Heather to watch so many young dancers grow up in the studio, their "second home".