Six Ways From Sunday

Six Ways From Sunday

Rev. Robin King - He's Back, And He Brought Stories

October 01, 2021

Robin shares a lot of stories with our community of faith. Not only through his weekly blog posts and weekly Sunday morning sermons, but also in the form of children's plays and even books that he's written and self published. I know, right? We're pretty lucky!

Well, for the last 3 months Robin has been "on sabbatical", meaning that he's been working probably even harder than before but has taken some time, intention and focus to dive into some creative projects. Yes, more epic stories for all of us to benefit from, enjoy and engage with. But like a lot of the stories that Robin is so good at sharing, these are not "his stories". They're familiar stories, often from the life of Jesus and his disciples, with a new perspective to look at them from and some creative packaging that helps us to come to the story as a child - with curiosity, openness and vulnerability.

On this episode of the podcast, Robin shares what his 3 month sabbatical was like and a little bit about some of the new stories that he'll be sharing with us soon. We also discuss what it means to engage with stories that are not ours to tell, but are so important to hear. Right now there are a lot of those stories that all of us could really benefit from listening to.