Six Ways From Sunday

Six Ways From Sunday

Carrie Domstad - Walking With God In & Out Of Church

September 03, 2021

Carrie is one of those people in our community who make you realize that having "a church family" is about so much more than who you see sitting in the pews on a Sunday morning or who's involved in the committees, meetings, fundraisers or lay leadership. She's the perfect example of "BEING the church" and putting the words of the Bashaw United Church's vision statement into practice - "Living God's Love. Sharing God's Love."

Carrie grew up in a Pentecostal church in Saskatchewan, and a lot of her preconceived ideas about religion and church were very different from what she experienced here in Bashaw when she started to get more and more involved in this community and church family. In this conversation we had a lot of fun exploring how Carrie's deep faith roots have stuck with her throughout her years of exploring her own life paths and spiritual journey, and how her personal relationship with God has been part of shaping who she is today.