Six Ways From Sunday

Bill Harder - Grieving as a Community, During a Pandemic
Our community has recently been struck with numerous tragedies, and in the midst of a global health crisis that has caused enough loss, stress, isolation and pain on its own, we're left fumbling to find ways to grieve the deaths of loved ones. We may not be able to gather in person, but we can gather in spirit. We may not be able to hold large funerals in our churches and community halls, but we can hold space for one another's pain. There are so many things we cannot do right now, and yet there is so much that we can do.
Bill Harder works in the precious and precarious space of supporting people through loss, grieving and dying. The wisdom and insights that he shares in this conversation will likely change the way you perceive our collective relationship with death and dying as a culture, with your own grieving and loss experiences, and possibly even with your own mortality.
Two previous episodes of this podcast that also featured Bill Harder are:
Bill Harder - The Deep Soul Work of Grieving
Bill Harder - Sitting With Death