Six Ways From Sunday

Six Ways From Sunday

Rev. Robin King - Carrying On With Church - It's An Essential Service

June 27, 2020

The rules have changed again, and many churches are reopening their doors and resuming in-person worship services after 3 months of empty sanctuaries. Robin recently asked, in this week's "mid-week reflection" Facebook video, why we come to church. Seriously, why do you go to church? What do you love and value about church and what have you been missing during this pandemic while church buildings have been closed? In Bashaw and Ponoka we've been carrying on with live streaming Sunday morning services, and we've even added new weekly content including short video reflections, prayers and music meditations, but the disruption and changes have still caused us to take a deeper look at what it means to be the church. Surely it has for everyone, and hopefully that's something that will stay with all of us as we live out our faith and God's love, beyond this pandemic.