Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda

Latest Episodes

Bhakti Yoga
March 06, 2014

The term Bhakti comes from the root "bhaj" which means to attach to God. It is the power of supreme love towards God. It is love for love's sake.  Swami Sivananda explains that the devotee wants God and God alone, with no selfish expectation. Learn more

February 27, 2014

This classic Swami Sivananda kirtan of the eighteen-ities lists qualities that every aspirant should possess. Serenity, regularity, absence of vanity, Sincerity, simplicity, veracity, Equanimity, fixity, non-irritability, Adaptability, humility, tenacity

February 27, 2014

Pranayama is an exact science. It is the 4th step of ashtanga yoga. It regulates the health, controls the prana, steadies the mind, augments the gastric fire, destroys rajas and disease, makes the body light and healthy, and awakens the kundalini. For mor

Yoga Asanas
February 20, 2014

Health is wealth, a very valuable asset. Practice of asanas controls the emotions, gives mental peace, distributes prana evenly throughout the body, maintains the functions of the internal organs, etc. Swami Sivananda describes even more benefits that com

Song of Nandalal
February 20, 2014

Swami Sivananda chants the names of divinity in this kirtan full of pure bhakti. He tells us to embrace all creatures and develop cosmic love. For more lectures and kirtans in Swami Sivananda's own voice, please visit www.yoga-vedanta-tantra.org . His

Song of Divine Life
February 13, 2014

Gopala Gopala Murali Lola. Serve, love, give, purify, practice ahimsa, have self-control, meditate, know thyself... Learn the qualities of a divine nature in this inspiring kirtan from Swami Sivananda. For more lectures and kirtans in Swami Sivananda's

Hatha Yoga
February 13, 2014

Swami Sivananda relates hatha yoga to the four paths of yoga in this excellent lecture. He explains what hatha yoga is in relation to raja yoga. He describes how a hatha yogi, raja yogi, jnana yogi and a bhakta approach sadhana and how they achieve self-r

Song of Ramayana
February 06, 2014

Inspiring kirtan by the great yoga master Swami Sivananda. For more lectures and kirtans in Swami Sivananda's own voice, please visit www.yoga-vedanta-tantra.org . Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of

February 06, 2014

Swami Sivananda tells us about yoga in this lecture. Yoga helps with coordination and control of the subtle forces within the body. It brings perfection, peace, and everlasting happiness. It can help in business and in daily life. Yoga will give you a cal

Concluding Prayers
January 30, 2014

The concluding prayers are chanted here by Swami Sivananda including: Om tat sat, Om Shantih Om, Ram Ram Ram, Om tryambakam, Purnamadah, and Asato Ma. A big blessing to hear them chanted in Swami Sivananda's own voice. Historical recording of Swami Siva