Episode 13 – As if you weren’t freaked enough, imagine the amped up surveillance state under Trump wsg Marcy Wheeler

January 03, 2017

The show notes for Episode 13 are at

STATISTIC via ACA Signups: 900,000 - the number of Michiganders that will be uninsured by repeal in a state Trump won by 10,700.

LOLGOP on Eclectablog: If the GOP guts Obamacare funding with tax breaks for the rich, it’s dead.

New York Times: Trump Weighs Letting Veterans Opt Out of V.A. Medical Care.

National Memo: Sorry, Liberals. We Have To Talk About Economics — And Race.

Eclectablog: Michigan GOP enacts laws to make selling fetal tissue MORE illegal and to ban local plastic bag regulations.

Marcy Wheeler: A Deep Dive on the Obama Response to Russian DNC Hack (and Theft and Harassment).

Marcy Wheeler: The Dragnet Donald Trump Will Wield Is Not Just the Section 215 One.

Michigan Court of Claims judge dismisses some claims in a suit by two Flint residents.

Assistant Attorney General in Poison Schuette's office signed off on the administrative consent order that led to charges against two former Emergency Managers.

Who pays for lawyers for Gerald Ambrose and Darnell Earley, the state of Michigan or the city of Flint?

Mediator being assigned to resolve failure of Snyder administration resume water distribution.

Intro and Outro music: Zoolookologie by Jean-Michel Jarre from the album Zoolook.

The Sit and Spin Room logo by Anne C. Savage.