Sit & Sew Radio

Sit & Sew Radio

Episode 17 - Sara Lawson and Chris Webb

September 28, 2016

Welcome to Episode 17 of Sit & Sew Radio, a Quilt Addicts Anonymous podcast. If you have ever dreamed of turning your quilting hobby into a career then today’s episode is for you.

Today's guests are Sara Lawson of Sew Sweetness fame and Chris Webb, the creator of 52 Quilters.

Make sure to also check out to see Frou-Frou, a French fabric line that is just gorgeous and super soft. Quilt Addicts Anonymous is one of the first shops in the U.S. to carry the fabric. I designed a pattern just for Frou-Frou that accentuates the beautiful fabrics and uses linen as a background. It has a very modern look and is the softest quilt I have ever made. Click here to get a fabric bundle, and click here to check out the pattern.

Sara Lawson, Sew Sweetness

Sara Lawson is the owner of Sew Sweetness. She took up sewing again after the birth of her first child and started designing bag patterns. But what began as a hobby quickly turned into a career and now her patterns are sold in quilt shops worldwide. She also is the author of two books and has designed two fabric lines.

She took the lessons she learned turning her hobby into a business and helped organize the first Sew Pro, a conference for aspiring pattern designers, fabric designers, authors and bloggers. The conference wrapped up earlier this week, but Sara shares some of the lessons she learned as she grew her business in our interview.

You can learn more about Sara by checking out her website You can read her blog, checkout free tutorials and purchase her patterns.

Chris Webb, 52 Quilters

Chris Webb is the creator of 52 Quilters, an Instagram account that is taken over by a new quilter each week.

In our interview we talk about how the social experiment got started, how it grew and how the guest posters use it to promote and grow their businesses.

52 Quilters is in its second year and is a great way for quilters to find new inspiration from others in the community. It also is a great way for quilt business owners to reach new audiences. I've found lots of great inspiration and new people to follow in the quilting community. You can click here to follow 52 Quilters on Instagram. And check out to learn more about the quilters taking over the feed.

Chris also is a quilter. He is from Canada and lives in London. He blogs over at