Sit & Sew Radio

Sit & Sew Radio

Episode 16 - The Tattooed Quilter and Crafted QC

September 21, 2016

Welcome to Episode 16 of Sit & Sew Radio, a Quilt Addicts Anonymous podcast. I am so excited to share this week’s guests with you.

First up is Christopher Thompson, you may know him better as The Tattooed Quilter. He is a modern quilter with traditional roots who now lives in New York City working in the fashion industry. We talk about discovering the modern quilting movement, what it is like to be a quilter in a big city and Canadian tuxedos.

Then we’ll hear from Mary Talbert and Sarah Marx who run Crafted Quad Cities in Davenport, Iowa. I know Mary from our days working in marketing and she is the very talented graphic designer who designed the Quilt Addicts Anonymous logo. I wanted to bring them on to talk about these adorable pumpkins they created with wooden spools for stems. Plus, they’ve created something really special for makers in the Quad Cities.

You all really enjoyed the English Paper Piecing tutorial from last week, but there were a few common questions about the super-fun, super portable sewing technique. So I wrote a follow-up blog that covers fabric selection, hexie to-go storage and final layout ideas. Plus, I have hexie starter kits available. Click here to read the blog and click here to check out the hexie supplies.


Christopher Thompson, aka The Tattooed Quilter

Christopher Thompson is a southern guy who learned to sew from the women in his family, discovered modern quilting and started influencing quilters everywhere with his fun fresh style.

tIn our interview we talk about where he finds his inspiration, how he finds space to sew in cramped New York City, his adorable puppy and, of course, his sewing-inspired tattoos.

If you enjoyed this interview with Christopher Thompson aka The Tattooed Quilter, click here his website where you can learn more about him, see his latest projects and upcoming workshops.

Mary Talbert and Sarah Marx, Crafted Quad Cities

Mary Talbert and Sarah Marx, the duo behind Crafted Quad Cities. I know these two personally as I also live in the Quad Cities. Mary and I used to work together when we both were slaving away at nine-to-five jobs at an ad agency. Then one day I watched her walk out to pursue her dream of opening a shop that sold the creative arts from makers in our community.

I hope you enjoy hearing the story of how Crafted Quad Cities came to be and that you all find it as inspiring as I have. I do have to warn you that there is one F-bomb in this interview. So when they start talking about kitty crack, you may want to pause it if you have little ones around.

Click here to check you the Crafted Quad Cities website. And if you find yourself traveling down I-80 crossing the Illinois and Iowa border, plan a detour to check out the shop.