Sit & Sew Radio

Sit & Sew Radio

Episode 11 - Tara Curtis and Judy Schwender

August 13, 2016

Welcome to Episode 11 of Sit & Sew Radio! As always, we have some great guests lined up for your listening pleasure.

Tara Curtis kicks off the show. She is the inventor of the Wefty Needle, which is used to weave fabric strips together to create beautiful patterns and projects. Then Judy Schwender is back to talk about The National Quilt Museum's collection of miniature quilts. They're gorgeous, intricate and super small and there are lots of photos below to look at while you listen.

And we have a winner from last week's giveaway! Robin Lopez is the winner of "The Simple Simon Guide to Patchwork Quilting" by Liz Evans and Elizabeth Evans. Thanks to those ladies for providing a copy of their book as a giveaway to go along with their interview in Episode 10.

Also make sure you head over to the Quilt Addicts Anonymous shop to check out the new Stars & Stripes pattern that was released this week. The patriotic pattern fits the requirements for a Quilt of Valor, so you can make one for you and one to honor a veteran.

No onto the show!

Tara Curtis, inventor of the Wefty Needle, co-founder of the Modern Meshwork Movement

Tara Curtis loved to weave fabric strips, but found it to be very hard on her hands. Inspired by her own frustrations, she worked with her husband to create the very first Wefty Needle on their 3-D printer. She figured maybe a few of her friends on Instagram would like, but it turns out she hit a cord with lots of other makers who were frustrated with attempting to weave fabric strips without a tool make just for them. We heard a little bit about this cool tool in Episode 9 from Mathew Boudreaux aka Mister Domestic. We'll hear from Tara about what inspired her to create the Wefty, the Modern Meshwork Movement she co-founded and some great tips and tricks that will help you get started if you want to give it a try.

Click here to visit Tara's website where you can see weaving tutorials and get your own Wefty needle.

Judy Schwender, curator of The National Quilt Museum

Judy is always an awesome person to talk to about quilts. Her passion for quilting, specifically quilting as an art form is just so obvious. She clearly lives and breathes quilting. Today we're talking about the Museum's collection of miniature quilts. Measuring no larger than 24 inches on any one side, these quilts may be small, but there is a whole lot packed into them.

Judy shared several images of the quilts that you can see here. But to really appreciate the quilts, you have to see them in person. Click here to plan your trip.