Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Episode 161: We Trust In Our God

June 06, 2022

Alma 53; 56-58

As we study the influence that righteous youth had upon the Nephite's fight for their liberty and right to worship God, we discover 10 strategies that can aid us today.

1) Keep Your Covenants

2) Develope the Mindset that God Is With You

3) Expect Miracles To Happen

4) Join Your Faith With Others of Faith

5) Strengthen the Strong Who Feel They May Be Weak

6) Be the Rearward of Our Youth

7) Don't Be Afraid to Wait For More Strength

8) Starve Out the Enemy

9) Pour Out Your Whole Soul In Prayer

10) Trust He Will Answer You and Look For His Answer

11) Don't Doubt!