Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Episode 157: If All Men Had Been Like Unto Moroni

May 09, 2022

Alma 42-62 "The War Chapters"

“…, if all men had been and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men.” (Alma 48:17)

If you're anything like me, I read this scripture and think "I want THIS!" I want to be able to shake the powers of hell! I want to stop the devil's influence over my heart! and it is obvious to me that if something so grand is said about Captain Moroni, then he is a man worth studying!

In this episode, learn the importance of being a covenant maker and keeper and how remembering your "WHY" for doing so can help keep us single-minded in our efforts to resist sin.

In this episode keep in mind the following as you think about how you can improve in your covenant keeping

  • if we are women of faith in Jesus Christ – seeking His guidance, protection, and also seeing Him show up for us
  • If we are strong and mighty – maybe not physically, but in testimony
  • If we are uniters and gathers
  • If we do find joy in the welfare of others
  • If we seek revelation
  • Hearken to the prophet and adjust our plans to fit the Lord’s plans
  • It we acknowledge in meekness that we do not know all things but are willing to be taught by He who does,
  • If we use the talents and gifts we’ve been given for the cause of righteousness and gladly take upon ourselves the Christian cause
  • If we find, unite, and rely upon the good gifts of others like Moroni did – relying upon our personal Teancums, Lehis, Pahorans, and Helamans – who were just as good of men as Moroni was and allow others to fight beside us and add their strength to ours
  • If we refuse to delight in sin and instead seek after perfect understanding and then expressing thanks for every inch of understanding we’re given
  • And if we are always extending the covenant of peace with those who offend us

***We will be able to shake the power of hell and prevent the devil from having any power over our hearts. ***