Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Episode 155: A Restoration of All Things

March 07, 2022

Alma 40-42

We focus alot on the restoration of our spirit back to our body, but what about the restoration of our character and the attributes we've strived to develop? Would God be just if He didn't restore that unto us as well?

As we study the counsel that Alma gives to his son Corianton about the Resurrection and the Restoration of all things we experience a few mindset shifts.

1) We do not need to be in a state of fear of loss - everything we give will one day be restored to us.

2) What do we wish to be restored to?

3) Grief and remorse were instilled in us by a just and merciful creator to help us course correct.

4) Feelings of grief and remorse actually indicate that the Savior is near.

5) Our disposition to not do wrong to others who mistreat us is an indicator that we are more like our Savior than we realized.

6) If we repent, our past errors do not disqualify us from the desire that God has for us.

Join Carrie on Instagram @carriehickenloopercoaching

If you are interested in one on one coaching, DM her on Instagram for more details.

and as always, Share with a Friend!
