Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 113: Who Shall Be His Seed?

August 31, 2020

Mosiah 15-16

Coming to the end of Abinadi's teachings, I couldn't help but ask "What is it that Alma is hearing that is changing his heart? Causing him to repent, to change direction, to begin to develop the courage and conviction it will take to stand up to his fellow priests and the king?"

What did he hear that made the difference?

Abinadi's teachings connected the disconnected and attached once again to detached. The law of Moses would not save them. Jesus Christ will! And connecting once again to the true source, to He who has the power to save us from sin and death, allowed a relationship to grow. No longer was it just a checklist of laws to keep, but a person to grow closer to, to cleave to, to become His seed.