Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 102: Are We Not All Beggars?

May 11, 2020

Mosiah 4


The address of king Benjamin is a guide on how we can do mortality partnered with the matchless power of God. We learn about the way we can love God, why we should serve one another, and how we are all unprofitable servants to the Lord God Omnipotent. He is everything good and divine and it is our journey to choose Him, to value who He is and what He represents and to put off the natural man who is an enemy to God. King Benjamin teaches us how to do this.

In Mosiah 4, the people do this very thing, right then and there as they face the temple listening to their prophet king. They learn how to be obedient and put their trust in God. They beg for a remission of their sins, receive it, and then are counseled to care for all those who beg for food, clothing, and our substance. By doing so, we retain a remission of our sins.