Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 97: Men of Understanding

March 23, 2020

Words of Mormon - Mosiah 1


There has always been days of chaos and the Book of Mormon is not exempt. Yet, despite the contentions and the dissensions, the false Christs and prophets, incredible men were able to rise above and do incredible things. It take men and women of understanding to not allow evil to overcome good or for despair to overcome hope.

In this episode, we discuss how king Benjamin desired his sons to be men of understanding and for his people to rise to this caliber as well.


A special announcement was made for all of those who have signed up to become a Sister Scriptorian.

Have you yet? Go to sisterscriptorians.com and sign up before Thursday of this week.


This week's Ponder Prompt is designed to help you in your studies to gain understanding. Pick a topic, a characteristic of God's or a gospel principle that you would like to understand better. Look up the correct definition, scriptures that give more insight and words from prophets and apostles. BE SURE TO FIND THE STRENGTH THAT THE LORD PROMISES YOU when you are obedient to the Lord's ways. Finally, observe how you have profited from the scriptures with this added understanding.    https://sisterscriptorians.com/download/episode-97-men-of-understanding/