Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 88: Chastity

January 20, 2020

Jacob 2: 22 - Jacob 3

The prophet Lehi was given the commandment from the Lord that his seed should have 1 wife and no concubines. Despite the removal of the Lord's presence among the Lamanites, they had kept this commandment. The Nephites, however, were beginning to look for justifications to violate this commandment.

Boldly, Jacob addresses the thoughts of the Nephites and delivers, with clarity, how the Lord values the chastity of His people.

In this week's podcast, also learn how the "pure in heart" can find consolation and support from the Lord when they have been wounded or are in need of drawing closer to Him. He delights in your goodness and desires to bless you.


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Also, check out the Ponder Prompt for this week's episode https://sisterscriptorians.com/download/episode-88-chastity/