Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 64: He Shall Raise Up An Ensign

June 10, 2019

2 Nephi 15


Isaiah continues to show us that Zion shall be raised up.

This time he likens the house of Israel to a grape vineyard and despite the Lord's efforts, the grapes have grown wild. Greed and coveting, a lack of regard for the Lord's work,a holding onto their sins, and calling evil good and good evil are some of the offenses that drove the spirit of the Lord out of their midst.

If we take an honest look at our societies, we may see each and every one of these offenses amongst us as well.

Listen to this week's episode to learn the goodness of God, even when His anger is kindled.

His hand is still stretched forth.

Listen to find out how He shows up for those children of His who desire to follow Him.


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