Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Episode 58: Infinite Atonement

April 21, 2019

2 Nephi 9


The Nephites had a question and their teacher Jacob was prepared to teach them.

They knew that their bodies would waste away upon death, but that there would come a day when they would come before God in their bodies to be judged. How can that be?


Jacob bares testimony of the Infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ and the all encompassing reach it has - including reuniting the spirit and the body - freeing them from physical and spiritual death to making them at one.


How can studying God's plan give us insight into God himself? As you study 2 Nephi 9, look for His characteristics on display. See how everything He does testifies of His greatness. Accept Him into your lives, no matter how hard your life may be right now and commit to follow His plan.


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