Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 36: Thou Shalt Construct A Ship

October 29, 2018

1 Nephi 17

The family has finally reached the sea and the land which the Lord provided them was filled with fruit and honey. Bountiful was their respite. But now what?

After many days in Bountiful, the Lord commands Nephi to get into the mountain. It is there, in prayer, that Nephi learns that he is to build a ship. As far as we know, Nephi didn't have ship building skills, but that is okay. The way he was to build the ship would be after the manner of the Lord and not of man.

What is the Lord commanding you to build. Recently, a prophet of God gave us instruction to remodel our homes into centers of gospel learning. Perhaps it is other personal commandments that you are in need of pursuing, listen to discover how to follow the light and block out the obstacles that surely will arise.


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