Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 30: Questions

September 17, 2018

1 Nephi 15-16:5


After Nephi had counseled his brothers on how to obtain answers to their questions (personal revelation) he answered their questions. He was able to do so because of his own personal searching of scripture, listening to the prophet of God, and seeking after personal revelation to learn more. On this week's podcast we learn the answer to 5 questions of his brethren. I am so grateful they asked! Because they did, we have additional information explained in a beautiful and clear way.

Questions are a part of the process that all of God's children go through as they come to understand His gospel and deepen their faith. This is a holy process between God and His child. I'm not sure when questions became a crisis of faith instead of a search to better come to know the mysteries of God. After this week's podcast, I hope that you will have a renewed commitment to search for the answers to your questions in the way God would have us find them.


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