Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 27: Nephi's Vision - Plain and Precious Things

August 27, 2018

1 Nephi 13


We believe the Bible to be the word of God, however, from Nephi's vision, we learn that many plain and precious things pertaining to the gospel of Jesus Christ, including covenants, were removed intentionally by the adversary. God's work among his children, however, will not be thwarted. God had a plan. He would manifest himself unto the remaining seed of Lehi and he would reveal many plain and precious truths. They would record them and when the timing was right, the Lord would make this record known unto the Gentiles beginning a marvelous work of restoration. We know this record as the Book of Mormon.

In this podcast we review some of the plain and precious things that Book of Mormon reveals, not only making it the perfect companion to the Bible, but securing it's role as an essential testament of Jesus Christ. For those who read and follow its teaching, the Book of Mormon empowers us by eliminating our stumbling blocks and empowering us with the power of God.


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