Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 26: Nephi's Vision - Delivered by the Power of God

August 20, 2018

The vision that answered Nephi's desire to see, to hear, and to know the things that his father saw was both glorious and horrific.

On this week's podcast we discuss the effects of the large and spacious building and the mists of darkness upon the children of men. The devil has a pattern of creating destruction and despair among the children of men. BUT the Lord's ways can not be thwarted and for those who choose him, the Lord always delivers in power, hope, and glory.

We see this cycle play out in the Nephite history as well as our early American history. Find out how simple things like birds, wind, and fog were used to deliver by the power of God.


credit: Seven Miracles that Saved America by Chris Stewart and Ted Stewart


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