Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 23: Follow the Prophet

July 30, 2018

! Nephi 10


Being moved by the Holy Ghost, Lehi prophesied of things to come. His words must have been spine tingling as his family sat at his feet and heard of the coming destruction of Jerusalem, of Jesus Christ coming 600 years from the time they left Jerusalem, of his life, of a prophet who would prepare a way for him, of his ministry, of his death, but then ultimately his resurrection. Lehi testified of the purpose that the Lord had for them, that they were intended to be scattered, but would eventually be gathered. Just as John the Baptist prepared the people for the Lord's coming, Lehi prepared his people in the same way.

We have a prophet today and his job is the same as prophets of old, to prepare a way for us to come unto Jesus Christ. What did the prophet last say? How has your life changed because of his words? What are you doing to prepare yourself to come unto the Lord? As we listen to our prophet today, we can be filled with the same type of drive and hope that motivated Lehi's family to keep moving forward until they reached the Promised Land.


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