Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 15: To Know Of A Surety

June 04, 2018

Book of Mormon  1 Nephi 5


It is not very often that we have an opportunity to study a woman of the scriptures, but we are given an opportunity in the Book of Mormon to know Sariah. Sariah is the wife of Lehi and the mother of the four sons that we have been studying. What was this journey like for her? What were her thoughts about leaving her home? How did she reconcile between her questions and following her husband the prophet and his dreams?

Nephi records the distress of his mother and the doubts that arose in her. Despite her feelings of grief and fear she chose faith and was able to "know of a surety" that the Lord was directing their path. We will give honor to her experience and the woman that it made her into.

What experiences may you be wading through right now that just might be your "know of a surety" moments? Let Go and Let God just like Sariah did.


*****So I ask for your mercy. The correct quote is "Now I know of a surety..." I mixed this up a few times in this episode. UGGGHHH. BUT, the message of the episode is still powerful, even if the messenger goofed :)


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