Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 7: And the Lord DId Visit Me

April 09, 2018

1 Nephi 2: 16

What if we were to stop ranking our experiences with the spirit? What if we were to stop assigning the degree of confidence we allow ourselves to feel when we receive manifestations of the spirit? No doubt we would have confidence if it was a face to face encounter, but if it's just a thought or a feeling....well.......

I love how Nephi, in a moment of concern, turned to the Lord. He had great desire to know the mysteries of God and so he turned to him in prayer. He cried unto the Lord and proclaimed, "He did visit me." We aren't sure exactly what that means, but we know what that visitation produced. It changed Nephi and if we allow ourselves to recognize when the Lord visits us, it can change us too.


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Also, check out the Ponder Prompt for this week's episode https://sisterscriptorians.com/download/episode-7-and-the-lord-did-visit-me/