Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 1: Tender Mercies - The Lord's Gift to You

February 24, 2018

1 Nephi 1


What is the key to Nephi's success, determination, and positivity? Lucky for us, he doesn't keep it a secret.

He knew the goodness of God! He saw it, felt it, and was blessed by it. He knew who his power source was. It was the gift giver, the one making him mighty and delivering him over and over again.

It was the Lord!

And the Lord was showing up for him, just like He does for you, by bestowing His tender mercies upon us.


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Also, check out the Ponder Prompt for this week's episode https://sisterscriptorians.com/download/episode-1-tender-mercies/