Single vs. Married Podcast

Single vs. Married Podcast

Episode 2: Online Dating with Jim O’Brien

November 13, 2019

One of our OLDEST friends, Jim O'Brien, joins us to talk about the trials and tribulations of online dating. Tina-Louise talks about her recent foray into the world of online dating and Tara Jean talks about the ever so icky world of online dating for married people (there's more than just Ashley Madison--insert gasp here).

Also, buckle up for our very first installment of, TRUSH OR TRASH! The segment where a guest tells us a crazy story and TL & TJ have to figure out of the story is true, or if it's TRASH!

Thanks for listening and make sure to send us a DM or a Tweet with your thoughts about the episode! We LOVE hearing from you!

Tara Jean, Jim O'Brien, Tina-Louise in the jungle...


Tina Louise Eckert 0:16
I would like to welcome my hipster best friend Tara Jean O'Brien

Tara Jean O'Brien 0:21
And this is my best friend Tina-Louise Eckert.

Tina Louise Eckert 0:35
I'm single.

Tara Jean O'Brien 0:36
And I'm married. And this is single versus married.

Tina Louise Eckert 0:43
the podcast.

I tried to make podcasts and well, professionals.

Tara Jean O'Brien 0:49
You did great, great, nailed it. you know what else is nailing people who online date.

Tina Louise Eckert 0:55
That's today's topic.

Tara Jean O'Brien 0:58
And so online dating to Me is kind of like when Earth began. I don't I have no you weren't there. I wasn't there. And I had we hear about it. It's like a rumor and the rumor mill. It's like if I read about it in the newspaper, when the telegram comes in Well, the telegram comes in they say there's a thing called Tinder. I'm like, Oh, is that word?

And by the way does also would it's also what

Tina Louise Eckert 1:25
I get it.

Tara Jean O'Brien 1:26
Yeah, no art and I and even when you were in your long term relationship, we that was there was it wasn't a thing. It was like people it was like what true weird friends we're doing. Yeah. Because also we had that that idea of what internet dating like the internet was, it was like, just creepy old guys sitting in there like apartment like trying to find young girls. Like I remember that. Like we first got a computer at my house and like email, and I was AOL. And there was these things called chat rooms. And I was like, Oh, I want to meet people and like you didn't know that weird dude in the fucking chat room.

Tina Louise Eckert 2:00
Eating onions

Unknown Speaker 2:03
red like flaming hot Cheetos. No. online dating when you heard like your friends are doing it that was a weird

Tina Louise Eckert 2:08
but also like, Why? Why good like you're you're a good looking guy or you're a normal person to go to a bar.

Tara Jean O'Brien 2:15
Any friends

Tina Louise Eckert 2:16
supermarket yeah supermarket, your metrics, the supermarket. Oh wait definitely got hit on it supermarket.

Tara Jean O'Brien 2:23
I don't. I mean, actually half. That's right. But it's such a like, that's so weird. I haven't thought about that all the time. It's

Tina Louise Eckert 2:31
really been history really makes me feel good sometimes when I go to my local supermarket, and it really does,

Tara Jean O'Brien 2:36
like live in a neighborhood where like Olympians live