Single Lady Estates®

Single Lady Estates®

Season Two Wrap-up with Bobbie Wasserman

April 12, 2023
Bobbie Wasserman

It’s a wrap!

Bobbie Wasserman closes out season two of the Single Lady Estates podcast.

She recaps the topics and guests who shared information to empower single women homeowners.

Bobbie also shares the upcoming theme for season three which is focused on homeowner advocacy.

Season Two Featured Guests
Tom Zulawski: Home Design Tips & Trends
Wendy Ross: Practical Advice for Owning Real Estate in Luxury Markets
Bryce Fuller: Midwest Real Estate Trends – Chicagoland
Sarah Williams: High-End Real Estate Trends
Josh Thompson: Condo Structural Integrity
Joe Di Pompeo: Structural Safety & Home Inspections
Dr. Regina Lark: Declutter Your Home
Monica Reyes: Landscaping Secrets
Robin Wurzel: The Heartbeat of Your Home: Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical
BONUS EPISODE – Robin Wurzel: Inside the Conversation

Bobbie Wasserman is the founder of Single Lady Estates® and host of the Single Lady Estates podcast. The mission of Single Lady Estates is to empower women in building financial stability for them and their families through homeownership. We do this by providing educational resources, advocacy efforts and connecting women with resources and networks that can help enhance the homeownership journey - buying, selling and life in between.

To learn more about Single Lady Estates, we invite you to subscribe to the podcast and become a member of the Single Lady Estates community.