Single Lady Estates®

Single Lady Estates®

Structural Safety & Home Inspections with Joe Di Pompeo

January 18, 2023

This episode is the second of a two-part condo and single family home structural safety series. This episode will give potential homeowners important home inspection basics. Link to the first episode in the series.

We think the Single Lady Estates community will appreciate this informative and hard-hitting episode on structural safety and home inspections.

Joe Di Pompeo PE, SECB, F.SEI, F.ASCE is the President at Structural Workshop, LLC and the past president of the Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers. (full bio)

Joe has extensive experience in Real Estate Due Diligence and Forensic Engineering and was featured in National News Coverage of the Surfside Condo collapse in Florida in 2021, where he was sought out as a national expert in discussing that structural disaster.

Joe’s home inspection advice:
  1. Understand the cost savings vs the risk.
  2. Going with the lowest home inspection bid may wind up being a costly decision.
  3. Pay attention to the recommendations made by your home inspector.
  4. Do your due diligence. Structural issues are better discovered BEFORE a home purchase.

Connect with Joe Di Pompeo

To learn more and connect directly with Joe, visit his website at Structural Workshop.

Bobbie Wasserman is the founder of Single Lady Estates® and host of the Single Lady Estates podcast. The mission of Single Lady Estates is to empower women in building financial stability for them and their families through homeownership. We do this by providing educational resources, advocacy efforts and connecting women with resources and networks that can help enhance the homeownership journey - buying, selling and life in between.

To learn more about Single Lady Estates, we invite you to subscribe to the podcast and become a member of the Single Lady Estates community.
